Siemens CU240S DP Operations Instructions Page 83

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3.2 Start-up Behavior
Control Units CU240S
Operating Instructions (Compact), 04/2006, A5E00766042B AA
Normal start-up behavior without MMC
After a power-cycle or a black-out the inverter reads the parameters from EEPROM to RAM.
Normal start-up behavior with MMC
The CUs have been designed to detect automatically whether an MMC is present in the CU.
The interaction between the CU and the MMC is controlled using parameter P8458.
The possible settings for P8458 and their functions are given below.
P8458 = 0: No automatic parameter download from the MMC.
P8458 = 1: Automatic parameter download from the MMC (if present) only at the first
start-up of the CU (default setting).
P8458 = 2: Automatic parameter download from the MMC (if present) after each start-up
of the control unit.
On completion of the automatic download parameter P8458 will be set to 0 (if it was 1 before
download) to prohibit any further automatic download parameters. In this case the MMC can
be withdrawn after an automatic parameter download.
The setting P8458 = 1 is only meaningful for new CUs. It enables the user to commission the
inverter by an automatic parameter download from a MMC.
If parameter P8458 is set to 1 or 2 and no MMC is present the inverter starts with the
parameters of the EEPROM without alarm or fault message.
MMC for "automatic download"
For an automatic download always the file clone00.bin will be used.
The user has to take care, that clone00.bin (saved as "clone00.bin" with STARTER on PC or
via setting P0804 = 00 with the OP) is available on the MMC, used for an automatic
parameter download at start-up. Otherwise automatic download will not be porocessed.
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