Siemens Switzerland Ltd. User manual CE1U2354en
HVAC Products The settings in detail 11. May 2007
6071 Signal logic output UX
6075 Temp value 10V UX
The voltage-modulated output can be used either for speed-controlled pumps or as an
output for a voltage-proportional temperature request.
The voltage signal can be inverted. Thus, it can also be used to control pumps with
variable speeds, or temperature request receivers that use inverted signal logic.
This operating line is used to define the maximum temperature request
(corresponding to 10 V).
Types of sensors/readjustments
Line no. Operating line
6097 Sensor type collector
NTC 10k
Platinum 1000
6098 Readjustm collector sensor
6099 Readjustm coll sensor 2
6101 Sensor type flue gas temp
NTC 10k
Platinum 1000
6102 Readjustm flue gas sensor
Selection of type of sensor used. The controller will use the respective temperature
The measured value can be corrected.
Building and room model
Line no. Operating line
6110 Time constant building
When the outside temperature varies, the room temperature changes at different rates,
depending on the building's thermal storage capacity.
The above setting is used to adjust the response of the flow temperature setpoint when
the outside temperature varies.
• Example:
> > 20 hours
The room temperature will respond
slower to outside temperature variations.
10 - 20 hours
This setting can be used for most types of buildings.
< 10 hours
The room temperature will respond
quicker to outside temperature variations.
Frost protection for the plant
Line no. Operating line
6120 Frost protection plant
The pumps are activated depending on the
current outside temperature, even if there
is no heat request.
Function output UX
Signal logic output UX
Temperature value 10V
Sensor type collector
Readjustm collector
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