Siemens MICROMASTER 440 User Manual Page 68

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Parameter Description Issue 01/06
MICROMASTER 440 Parameter List
68 6SE6400-5BB00-0BP0
r0403 CO/BO: Encoder status word Min: -
Datatype: U16 Unit: - Def: -
P-Group: COMMANDS Max: -
Displays status word of encoder (in bit format).
Bit00 Encoder module active 0 NO 1 YES
Bit01 Encoder error 0 NO 1 YES
Bit02 Signal o.k. 0 NO 1 YES
Bit03 Encoder low speed loss 0 NO 1 YES
Bit04 HW timer used 0 NO 1 YES
See description of seven-segment display given in the "Introduction to MICROMASTER System
Parameters" in this manual.
P0408[3] Encoder pulses per revolution Min: 2
CStat: CT Datatype: U16 Unit: - Def: 1024
P-Group: ENCODER Active: Immediately QuickComm.: No Max: 20000
Specifies the number of encoder pulses per revolution.
P0408[0] : 1st. Drive data set (DDS)
P0408[1] : 2nd. Drive data set (DDS)
P0408[2] : 3rd. Drive data set (DDS)
The encoder resolution (pulses per revolution P0408) which may be entered will be limited by the max.
pulse frequency of the encoder option board (f_max = 300 kHz).
The following equation calculates the encoder frequency depending on the encoder resoulution and the
rotational speed (rpm). The encoder frequency has to be less than the max. pulse frequency:
p0408 x rpm
> f =
P0491[3] Reaction on freq. signal loss Min: 0
CStat: CT Datatype: U16 Unit: - Def: 0
P-Group: ENCODER Active: first confirm QuickComm.: No Max: 1
Selects reaction on loss of frequency signal.
Possible Settings:
0 Do not change to SLVC
1 Change to SLVC
P0491[0] : 1st. Drive data set (DDS)
P0491[1] : 2nd. Drive data set (DDS)
P0491[2] : 3rd. Drive data set (DDS)
P0492[3] Allowed frequency difference Min: 0.00
CStat: CT Datatype: Float Unit: Hz Def: 10.00
P-Group: ENCODER Active: Immediately QuickComm.: No Max: 100.00
Parameter P0492 is used for low and high frequency encoder loss detection (fault: F0090).
1. High frequency encoder loss detection:
This condition occurs when the allowed frequency and the allowed difference of the frequency signals
between samples, set in P0492 is exceeded.
- Act. freq. > P0492 and f(t_2) - f(t_1) > P0492
2. Low frequency encoder loss detection:
This condition occurs when the actual frequency is < P0492 when encoder loss occurs.
Condition a):
- r0061 = 0 and torque limit and then
- r0061 = 0 with setpoint frequency > 0 for time > P0494
Condition b):
- Act. freq. < P0492 and f (t_2) < P0492 and ASIC detect channel B loss
This parameter is updated when motor start-up time P0345 is changed or when a frequency-loop
optimisation is performed (P1960 = 1). There is a fixed delay of 40 ms before acting upon loss of encoder at
high frequencies.
P0492 = 0 (disabled):
When allowed frequency difference is set to 0, both the high frequency and low frequency encoder loss
detection is disabled, thus encoder loss will not be detected.
If encoder loss detection is disabled and encoder loss occurs, then operation of the motor may become
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