Scan and Reconstruction
Body Kernels
As standard kernels for body tissue studies B30s or
B40s are recommended; softer images are obtained
with B20s or B10s (extremely soft). The kernels B31s or
B41s have about the same visual sharpness as B30s
respectively, B40s, the image appearance, however, is
more acceptable due to a "fine-grained" noise struc-
ture; quite often, the low contrast detectability is
improved by using B31s, B41s instead of B30s, B40s.
For higher sharpness, as is required for example, in
patient protocols for cervical spine, shoulder, extremi-
ties, thorax, the kernels B50s, B60s, B70s, B80s are
Special Application Kernels
The special kernels are mostly used for "physical" mea-
surements with phantoms, e.g. for adjustment proce-
dures (S80s), for constancy and acceptance tests
(S80s, S90s), or for specification purposes (S90s). For
special patient protocols, S80s and S90s are chosen,
e.g. for osteo (S80s).
In case of 3D study only, use kernel B10s and at least
50% overlapping for image reconstruction.
Do not use different kernels for body parts other than
what they are designed for.
thanks for support