Siemens SINUMERIK 840C User Manual Page 26

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1 Prerequisites and Visual Inspection 10.94
1.3 Standard/Export version
1.3 Standard/Export version
Export regulations
Due to the fact that the German export list requires approval for certain control functions, two
versions of the SINUMERIK 840C can be configured.
The Standard Version (840C) is allowed to include the whole scope of functions of the control
and is therefore subject to export approval concerning its type.
The following options are not available with the Export Version (840CE):
5D interpolation
interpolation and compensation with tables and extended IKA, with SW 4 or higher
The corresponding option bits can be set but have no effect (alarm triggered if functions are
programmed). As far as its type is concerned, the export version does not require export
It is however possible that the intended application nevertheless requires export approval.
The character of the control depends on the installed system software, which can be delivered
in the two versions Standard and Export. This also applies to the licences! Consequently, a
control system requires export approval if a system software subject to export approval is
installed on it (see specifications on delivery note or invoice of system software). This is of
particular importance if the system software is changed or upgraded because the control can
then become subject to export approval.
Identification of control
In addition to the specifications on the delivery note and the invoice, unambiguous labels
identify the delivered software components as Standard or Export versions.
The package contains additional labels for identifying the control after installation.
If the software is loaded the first time when the control is installed, the included small label for
the system software version has to be attached to the front plate of the MMC module in such
a way that is is clearly visible (applies also to licence software).
The package label for the system software version, which is also included, is to be put into the
logbook of the control. If new licences are supplied the corresponding number of labels is
included, and they are to be dealt with in the same way.
After the control has been powered up, the Export version is identified by the additional
character ”E” in the Service screen (NC information).
These measures for identification of the control version are important for servicing, and they
are also useful if the version of the control must be proved for export purposes, in particular if
existing negative certificates concerning the export version are to be used.
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