Programming FCs (Functions) and FBs for S7 Ethernet CPs
SIMATIC NET NCM S7 for Industrial Ethernet
Release 6/2003
Condition Codes
The following table shows the condition codes formed by the DONE, ERROR and
STATUS parameters that must be evaluated by the user program.
Table 6-6 Condition Codes for FB55 IP_CONFIG
General codes relating to job execution
10 0000 H Job completed without errors
00 8181H Job active
Errors detected on the interface between CPU and CP.
80B1H The amount of data to be sent exceeds the upper limit permitted for this
service. (upper limit = 16 Kbytes)
01 80C4H Communication error
The error can occur temporarily; it is usually best to repeat the job in the
user program.
01 80D2H Configuration error
The module you are using does not support this service.
Errors detected in the evaluation of the FB in the CPU or on the interface between CPU and CP.
8183H The CP rejects the requested data record number.
01 8184H System error or illegal parameter type<F 9>. (data type of the ANY
pointers CONF_DB not OK)
(Currently only the byte data type is accepted)
01 8185H The value of the LEN parameter is larger than the CONF_DB less the
reserved header (4 bytes) or the length information is incorrect.
01 8186H Illegal parameter detected
The ANY pointer CONF_DB does not point to a data block.
01 8187H Illegal status of the FB
Data in the header of CONF_DB was possibly overwritten.
The instance DB does not exist.
Further errors detected on the interface between the CPU and CP.
8A01H The status code in the data record is invalid (value is >= 3).
01 8A02H There is no job running on the CP; the FB, however, expected an
acknowledgment for a completed job.
01 8A03H There is no job running on the CP and the CP is not ready; the FB
triggered the first job to read a data record.
01 8A04H There is no job running on the CP and the CP is not ready; the FB
nevertheless expected an acknowledgment for a completed job.
01 8A05H There is a job running, but there was no acknowledgment; the FB
nevertheless triggered the first job for a read data record job.
01 8A06H A job is complete but the FB nevertheless triggered the first job for a
read data record job.
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